Spyro Wiki

“Will you escort me past those Earthshapers?”

The Alchemist is a Satyr who is encountered in Fracture Hills, a realm in Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!. He concocted a potion to cure Hunter's feet, which had been encased in a stone-like substance due to the Alchemist's failed experiment to turn the cheetah's boots to gold. As such, Spyro has to guide the Alchemist safely past the Earthshapers, and to where Hunter is.

Like the Professor, the Alchemist wears thick, coke bottle style glasses and appears to be quite nearsighted. This is further evidenced by the unorthodox, roundabout route he chooses for his path to Hunter, who happened to be in a cave only a few yards down from the one he is found in.

After completing the sidequest, if the Alchemist is talked to, he reveals he actually intended to turn Hunter's petrified boots to gold as originally planned.


  • "I've been experimenting with a new potion. I'd like to try it out but the Earthshapers have made going out a bit difficult. Could you kindly offer me an escort?"
  • "Great! Just keep those Earthshapers away from me and I'll take this potion to Hunter."
  • "Okay, I'll be waiting here, but Hunter will be very angry with me if I don't get this potion to him soon!"
  • "Hmm, I really thought my potion would turn that rock into gold. Perhaps a touch more salt..."



  • If the Alchemist wasn't nearsighted, he would have taken a much easier path where you would only need to push one of the Earthshapers out of the way.
  • Although he gives the player the orb challenge, he doesn't give out any orbs.
Main Characters
Spyro the Dragon - Sparx the Dragonfly - Hunter
Elora - Professor - Zoe - Moneybags
Ripto - Crush - Gulp
Colossus Yeti - Master Chef - Bombo - Ox
Non-playable characters
Agent Zero - Alchemist - Bazil - Big Gnorcs - Bonebuilders - Breezebuilders - Brother Kipp - Droids
Electrolls - Fairies - Fauns - Fisher - Foreman Bud - Gemcutters - Green Colosi - Greta - Handel
Hippos - Ice Builders - Inventor Droid - Juliet - Land Blubbers - Little Bo Peep - Logistics Droid - Mayor
Ooga and Mr. Bones - Queen Finny - Robot Farmers - Romeo - Scarlet Lizards - Seahorses - Turtles
Water Wizards - Water Workers - Wizards - Yellow Colosi Monks
Summer Forest - Autumn Plains - Winter Tundra
Glimmer - Colossus - Idol Springs - Hurricos - Sunny Beach - Aquaria Towers - Skelos Badlands - Crystal Glacier
Breeze Harbor - Zephyr - Scorch - Fracture Hills - Magma Cone - Shady Oasis - Mystic Marsh - Cloud Temples
Robotica Farms - Metropolis - Dragon Shores
Ocean Speedway - Metro Speedway - Icy Speedway - Canyon Speedway
Boss Arenas
Crush's Dungeon - Gulp's Overlook - Ripto's Arena
Talisman - Spirit Particles - Gems - Orbs - Cheat codes
Snowman Ads - Mikey Ad