Spyro Wiki

Camera Warping is an intentional mechanic in The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon that can be exploited for glitch potential. While playing as either Spyro or Cynder in singleplayer mode, the AI controlled dragon will attempt to warp behind the camera if they are not on screen and are either too far away or have no valid navigation path to the player. With some clever placement, however, players can angle the camera in such a way that the AI dragon will spawn in an area they're not supposed to, potentially skipping multiple parts of the level.


Valley of Avalar[]

Dragon City[]

  • Can be used to skip the cannon defense event at the ramparts.
Spyro - Sparx - Cynder - Hunter - Malefor - Ignitus - Volteer - Terrador - Cyril - The Chronicler

Chief Prowlus - Meadow - Hermit - Mason

The Catacombs - Twilight Falls - Valley of Avalar - Warfang - Attack of the Golem
Ruins of Warfang - The Dam - The Destroyer - Burned Lands - Floating Islands - Malefor's Lair
Grublins - Grublin Flies - Hero Grublins - Orcs - Axe Orcs - Hero Orcs
Trolls - Bowman Orcs - Wyverns - Shadow Apes

Golem - The Destroyer - Malefor

Fire - Electricity - Ice - Earth - Aether - Poison - Fear - Wind - Shadow
Dragons - Grublins - Gems - Armor - Snake Chains - Elite Enemies
Soundtrack - Cheat codes