This category lists stub articles on this wiki.
A stub is a short article that can be expanded with more information on a subject by any user. The admins would love it if you help them edit these stubs with more infomation. Some pages only ask for pictures to complete them. Currently, there are approximately 784 stubs (as of September 15th, 2016) in the Spyro wiki. Once a page is at least 80% completed, they are removed of their stub status. If you find any pages that should have some more infomation, then add {{stub}} on them.
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All items (717)
- A Traitor Among Us
- Alligator Farmers
- Alpine Adobe
- Anger Mismanagement
- Angler Fish
- Aqua Age Speedway
- Arabian Thieves
- Archer Riptocs
- Arctic Isle
- Arkeyan Blasters
- Arkeyan Ultrons
- Armadillos (Shadow Legacy)
- Armored Rhynocs
- Assault on Skylander Academy
- Auric
- B Team
- Bad Breath
- File:Banana Savannah - Vent.png
- Battlefield
- Beard Science
- Beetle Burrows
- Belly of the Beast
- Berserker
- Big Forest
- Blair Underwood
- Blastaneers
- Blitzer Bullies
- Blue Crabs
- Boat Gnorcs
- Bomb Shell
- Bone Altar
- Bone Dragon (character)
- Bonebuilders
- Bop
- Brains
- Breeze
- Broccoli Guy
- Bruno
- Bruno (Hippo)
- Bullwhip Rhynocs
- Burning Smileys
- Byrd Barracks
- File:Byrd Barracks - Camp Headquarters.png
- File:Byrd Barracks - Vent.png
- File:Byrd Barracks Map.png
- Cadaverous Crypt
- Campus Town
- Capybaras
- Cat Hockey
- Cats
- Cavemen Riptocs
- Celestial Plains
- File:Chataeu Ripto- Grand Expanse.png
- File:Chateau Ripto - Sgt Byrd.png
- Cheetah Spot Spa
- File:Cheetah Spot Spa - Lobby.png
- File:Cheetah Spot Spa - Vent.png
- File:Cheetah Spot Spa Transport.png
- Chef Pepper Jack
- Chickens
- Chief Shaman Tuk
- Chill
- Chompies
- Chompy Mage
- Chop Chop/Grill Master Chop Chop
- Christina Ricci
- Christopher Wilson
- Clams
- Cloudcracker Prison
- Cloudy Domain
- Clubber Rhynocs
- Coco Bandicoot
- Colonel Blub
- Conquertron
- Core of Light (Skylanders Academy)
- Coward Rhynocs
- Crabs
- Crash Bandicoot (Skylanders Academy)
- Crash Landing
- Creepy Citadel
- Crunch Bandicoot
- Crunchers
- Crystal Ball Spiders
- Crystal Eye Castle
- Crystal Flowers
- Crystals
- Cube Dungeon
- Cyclops Queen
- Cynder (Skylanders Academy)
- Cynder (Skylanders)/Skeletal Cynder
- Dark Mine
- Dark Spyro (Skylanders Academy)
- Dark Water Cove
- Darklight Crypt
- David Spade
- Days of Future Crash
- DBX9 Rocket Launchers
- Digging Gloves
- Doctor Neo Cortex
- Doom Raiders
- Double Trouble/Royal Double Trouble
- Draclets
- Dragon Dojo
- File:Dragon Shores - Boat.png
- File:Dragon Shores - Cave.png
- File:Dragon Shores - Dragonfly Oasis.png
- File:Dragon Shores - Sgt Byrd.png
- File:Dragon Shores - Vent.png
- Dragonfly (Kart)
- File:Dragonfly Oasis - Cave.png
- Dream Girls
- Dreamcatcher
- Drobit
- Droids
- Drow Witches
- Ducks
- Dusty Trails
- Earth (World)
- Egyptian Dogs
- Elementary, My Dear Eruptor
- File:Entrance to Professor's Secret Lab.png
- File:Entrance to Rhynocs N Clocks.png
- Eruptor (Skylanders Academy)
- Eruptor/Volcanic Eruptor
- Escape From Cynder
- Eskimoles
- Eternal Sources
- Evil Amphibious Gillman
- Evil Ent
- Evil Eruptor
- Evil Ice Yeti
- Evil Imp Minion
- Evil Knight Minion
- Evil Missile Minion
- Evil Phoenix Dragon
- Evil Pyro Archer
- Evil Water Dragon