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Crop Circle Country is a realm that appeared in Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly. Unfortunately, the farm had been invaded by Space Cows and they are abducting the local cows for their army. Spyro soon came along and started to deal with the Space Riptocs and Cows. The farmers were very grateful to Spyro and rewarded him.




  • Akira
  • Rickshaw
  • Jingles
  • Jdubs
  • Tetsu
  • Fiona
  • Cedric
  • Flavie
  • Laurent


  • The farmers are higher poly versions of the farmers found in Country Speedway in Spyro: Year of the Dragon.
  • The backdrop is a lot like the one on Breeze Harbor.  The two moons return with the same cardinal directions apart. Crop Circle Country has fewer clouds than Breeze Harbor.
  • One of the farmers of this world, Farmer John shares his name with one of the farmers from Robotica Farms.
  • Some of the enemy AI in this level make similar noises, when hit, to the Rhynocs in Molten Crater in Spyro: Year of the Dragon.
  • The level is like a night time version of Robotica Farms.
    • It also imitates Metropolis bringing back the UFOs.
  • The music used in the "Trial of the Platforms" Challenge is corrupted in the final version of the game, even in later revisions of the game. The full track was released on August 7, 2020 by YouTube User, Mr. FO1.[1]
  • This is the only level in the game that contains neither runes for new abilities nor keys for chests.


Main Characters
Spyro the Dragon - Sparx the Dragonfly - Hunter
Bianca - Spirit Dragon - Zoe
Crush - Gulp
Non-Playable Characters
Alligator Farmers - Bartholomew - Bears - Dragons - Dragonflies - Moneybags - Monkey Monks
Dragon Masters - Rodtikiney - Pigs - Professors - Thieves - Yetis
Dragon Realms
Dragonfly Dojo - Crop Circle Country - Luau Island - Cloud 9 - Monkey Monastery
Honey Marsh - Thieves Den - Jurassic Jungle - Ripto's Lair
Dragonflies - Gems - Cheat codes