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“Yes, yes, pat on the back, good going, all that other rubbish, but we've got to get moving here.”
    —Cyril, The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

Cyril is the Ice Guardian Dragon who appeared in The Legend of Spyro series.

Character Development

The Ice Guardian Cyril was the result of a collaboration between Jared Pullen and his team member Ronald Marc. Ron developed the overall design content and the concept that Cyril was more lupine and guant than his fellow Guardians, being more of a 'grizzled survivalist' from the frozen extremes of the Dragon Realms.[1]

During development, Cyril was originally intended to be female[2], and a Guardian of the scrapped Water element. However it was deemed that the development team needed to give him a harder edge visually, so Cyril was made male.[3] In addition, Jared originally called Cyril 'Glacious'.[3]


Original Design (2006-2007)

Cyril is a blue dragon with blue eyes, jagged pale horns, back spines, shoulder and ankle crests that resemble ice shards, and pale-colored wings with purple membranes. His underbelly is light purple along with his claws and the inner colors of his frills. He also has white spots along his body, pale blue spikes that circle around the tip of his tail.

Dawn of the Dragon Design (2008)

In his redesign for The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, Cyril's overall appearance is largely the same, but is slightly more streamline and his body lacks the white spots.


“Coolest of all the Guardians, Cyril is aloof and a bit snobbish. He harbors a carefully cultivated cynicism which he uses as a defense and radar for the rest of the Guardians. He speaks with a strong English accent.”
    —The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning website character description

Cyril is a coldly confident and predominately prideful dragon, who constantly brags about supposedly royal ancestry. He does not hold his tongue when speaking and can often be sardonic, Volteer usually being the target of these remarks due to the electric Dragon Guardian's incessant babbling. Despite his shortcomings, however, he knows when he should swallow his arrogance and do the right thing, admitting that Spyro is the way forward and that he and his fellow Dragon Guardians must step aside.


As a Master of Ice, Cyril's proficiency is unmatched by no one but Spyro in raw power, but it takes Cyril's tutoring to truly allow Spyro to be able to control his element efficiently and with any grace.


The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

Cyril was the protector of Dante's Freezer during the wars against the Dark Armies.[4] He, along with the other Guardians and war dragons, fought against the forces of the Dark Master until they were driven back when only four Guardians, including himself, remained.[5]

Tlos storyscroll iceguardian

Cyril defending Dante's Freezer from the Dark Armies

Cyril was one of the Guardians tasked with watching over the dragon eggs at the Dragon Temple, including the egg that contained the next purple dragon Spyro. The Dark Armies soon raided the Temple and overwhelmed Cyril and the other Guardians, allowing the Apes to destroy the other dragon eggs to prevent Spyro's birth under the Dark Master's orders. Sometime after their failure, Cyril went on to fight alongside his fellow Guardians with their army of Dragon Knights against the forces of the Dark Master for the islands. When they were beginning to turn the tide in the war, a large, powerful black dragon named Cynder came, easily decimating the dragons and captured Cyril and the Guardians, all except Ignitus. Cynder took Cyril to Tall Plains where he was drained of his elemental energy in order to power the crystal needed to free the Dark Master.

Years later, Ignitus sent Spyro to rescue Cyril in Tall Plains after he returned with Volteer and the young dragon watched Cynder flee with her powered crystal. Spyro pushed on and found Cyril but he was forced to fight the Stone Sentinel, a revered spiritual entity, but became angered due to a lack of tribute and having its resting place disturbed by Cynder's actions. Once Spyro freed Cyril, the Ice Guardian hurried them back to the temple, and away from the "primitive and barbaric" company of the Atlawas. After a brief reunion with his fellow Guardians, Cyril took Spyro to the training room and taught him how to use his newfound Ice element to a proficient level.

When Spyro returned with Cynder (now free from Malefor's control), Cyril apologized with the rest of the Guardians for not being able to protect the dragon eggs on the night of the raid.

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

Cyril was asleep along with the rest of the Guardians when Cynder snuck away from the temple out of guilt. When the temple was attacked by the Apes once again, he helped defend it, this time pushing the Apes away and successfully holding his current home, despite the damage the Temple attained. Cyril gathered around the Pool of Visions with the other Guardians when Spyro mentioned the Chronicler and, along with the others, was startled to hear of his existence. With the Guardians unsettled by the reappearance of the Chronicler, who was often linked with tales of doom, and with the visions of the Mountain of Malefor that Spyro was having, Cyril was sent with Volteer by Ignitus to the mainland to learn whatever news they could.

The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon

Cyril Warfang

Cyril coming to Spyro and Cynder's aid during the Golem's attack

During the three years since Spyro and Cynder's disappearance, Cyril waited with the other Guardians at the Dragon City of Warfang. Cyril didn't make an appearance until Spyro and Cynder successfully prevented Malefor's army from storming the city gates and he swooped down over the retreating army, blasting them with his Ice breath. He turned back, however, when the Golem emerged and began to attack the city; Ignitus sending Cyril to put out the fires in the city. The Ice Guardian came to Spyro and Cynder's aid and saved them from being crushed by the Golem's thrashing tail, using his Ice breath to slow the tail's descent long enough for Spyro and Cynder to cross a staircase before the tail knocked Cyril out of the sky and smashed him through a stone slab. It was revealed that he recovered from the blow when he joined up with Spyro and Cynder after the Golem's defeat.

Sometime after, Cyril and the other Guardians witnessed Malefor reveal his plan and resurrect the Destroyer. They ventured through the city's underground to confront the Destroyer and attacked it before it completed the Ring of Annihilation to initiate the end of the world. When the attack failed however, Cyril helped move the inhabitants of Warfang underground in the hopes that they would be safe, not emerging until Spyro and Cynder defeated Malefor and prevented the destruction of the world. The Ice Guardian looked over the horizon along with everyone else and witnessed the creation of a dragon constellation in the sky, signaling the beginning of a new age.


Main article: Cyril/Gallery


  • Cyril's Dutch voice actor Edward Reekers, is also a famous Dutch singer as leader of a band, Kayak. He released many solo single songs in English, German and Dutch. For the Dutch dubbing industry, he voiced Dexter's dad in Dexter's Laboratory and Johnny Bravo.
  • Cyril was originally going to have more than one line of dialogue in Dawn of the Dragon in numerous comedic scenes along with Sparx, Volteer, etc. that the developers had planned and in some cases even recorded, but they didn't have the resources or time to animate them.[6]
  • After the battle with the Destroyer, both Cyril and Volteer strangely don't appear again in the same cutscene halfway through nor were given orders by Ignitus regarding the incoming world crisis like Terrador did. They did however, appear in the game's epilogue and the post-credits scene.
  • Fittingly, the name Cyril means "lordly" or "masterful."


  1. TLoS DragonGuardian Cyril. (Date Posted - Apr. 4, 2016). DeviantArt.
  2. TLoS DragonGuardian Cyril, comment response. (Date Posted - Apr. 7, 2016). DeviantArt.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Q&A with Jared Pullen Lead Concept Artist of TLoS. (Date Posted - Feb. 19, 2016). DeviantArt.
  4. TLoS StoryScroll IceGuardian. (Date Posted - Apr. 11, 2016). DeviantArt.
  5. The Dragon's Vault Opened Once More. (Date Posted - Mar. 31, 2011). Blogger.
  6. Volteer- Not so chatty. (Date Posted - Feb. 2, 2009). Sierra Community Forums (inaccessible).
Spyro - Sparx - Ignitus - Volteer - Terrador - Cyril - Cynder

Flash - Nina - Kane - Mole-Yair - Exhumor - Conductor

Swamp - Dragon Temple - Dojo - (First Flight) Dante's Freezer
Tall Plains - Munitions Forge (Escape From Cynder) - Concurrent Skies - Convexity
Ape Soldiers - Ape Leaders - Ape Commanders - Disciples (DS) - Assault Turrets - Ape Cannons
Frog Weeds - Growths - Bulb Spiders - Dojo Dummies - Dreadwings - Trolls - Ogres - Troll Horsemen
Spider Tanks (DS) - Angler Fish (DS) - Armardillos - Rubble Brutes
Buffalo Beetles - Magma Worms - Fire Beetles - Electric Leeches - Nataloids (DS) - Crystal Brutes - Conduits

Ice King - Stone Sentinel - Steam - Electric King - Cynder

Fire - Electricity - Ice - Earth - Aether
Dragons - Dragonflies - Apes - Gems
Soundtrack - Cheat codes
Spyro - Sparx - Ignitus - Volteer - Terrador - Cyril - Cynder - Gaul - The Chronicler
Dragon Temple - Dreamscape - Ancient Grove - Grove Underground
Fellmuth Arena - Pirate Fleet - White Isle - Celestial Caves - Mountain of Malefor
Ape Soldiers - Ape Leaders - Ape Commanders - Toad Weeds - Bulb Spiders - Death Hounds - Dreadwings
Grove Worms - Grove Mites - Grove Beasts - Growths - Skavengers - Skurvywings
Blundertails - Fire Cannons - Armourdilloes - Stone Trolls - Fire Elementals
Elemental Crystal Brutes - Crystal Ball Spiders - Sabertooths (DS)

Assassin - Arborick - Ravage Rider - Executioner - Skabb - Elemental Spirits - Elemental Dragon - Gaul
Naga (GBA) - Red-Hand Jack (GBA) - Advisor (GBA) - Elemental Avatars (GBA)

Fire - Electricity - Ice - Earth - Aether
Dragons - Apes - Gems - Scriber's Quills - Dragon Relics - Dragon Challenges
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night Promotional Movies - Soundtrack - Cheat codes
Spyro - Sparx - Cynder - Hunter - Malefor - Ignitus - Volteer - Terrador - Cyril - The Chronicler

Chief Prowlus - Meadow - Hermit - Mason

The Catacombs - Twilight Falls - Valley of Avalar - Warfang - Attack of the Golem
Ruins of Warfang - The Dam - The Destroyer - Burned Lands - Floating Islands - Malefor's Lair
Grublins - Grublin Flies - Hero Grublins - Orcs - Axe Orcs - Hero Orcs
Trolls - Bowman Orcs - Wyverns - Shadow Apes

Golem - The Destroyer - Malefor

Fire - Electricity - Ice - Earth - Aether - Poison - Fear - Wind - Shadow
Dragons - Grublins - Gems - Armor - Snake Chains - Elite Enemies
Soundtrack - Cheat codes