Spyro Wiki

Dark Spyro Glitch is a glitch found exclusively in The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night. It can be performed in all versions of the game except the Nintendo DS and Gameboy Advance versions.

When players have unlocked Dark Spyro, a flying glitch can be performed. Selecting the Ice breath, then switching to Dark Spyro can activate it. After doing so, jump and press the charge button repeatedly. Spyro will start to charge forward, losing little to no altitude. This can cause him to Skip through the game and Fall forever if he reaches the games boundaries.


Spyro Eternal night - flying glitches

Skip to 00:54 for video

Spyro - Sparx - Ignitus - Volteer - Terrador - Cyril - Cynder - Gaul - The Chronicler
Dragon Temple - Dreamscape - Ancient Grove - Grove Underground
Fellmuth Arena - Pirate Fleet - White Isle - Celestial Caves - Mountain of Malefor
Ape Soldiers - Ape Leaders - Ape Commanders - Toad Weeds - Bulb Spiders - Death Hounds - Dreadwings
Grove Worms - Grove Mites - Grove Beasts - Growths - Skavengers - Skurvywings
Blundertails - Fire Cannons - Armourdilloes - Stone Trolls - Fire Elementals
Elemental Crystal Brutes - Crystal Ball Spiders - Sabertooths (DS)

Assassin - Arborick - Ravage Rider - Executioner - Skabb - Elemental Spirits - Elemental Dragon - Gaul
Naga (GBA) - Red-Hand Jack (GBA) - Advisor (GBA) - Elemental Avatars (GBA)

Fire - Electricity - Ice - Earth - Aether
Dragons - Apes - Gems - Scriber's Quills - Dragon Relics - Dragon Challenges
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night Promotional Movies - Soundtrack - Cheat codes