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The Executioner is a large golem wearing golden armour and wields a long sword. He was Spyro's opponent in Fellmuth Arena during The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night for the entertainment of the Skavengers.



  • The Executioner had a very similar appearance to the Ice King and the Electric King. He also shared the same character animations as both Kings.
  • The Executioner had armour that looks similar to a Spartan Hoplite, but he used a sword instead of a spear.
  • According to its concept art profile, the Executioner was made from junk and pieces collected by the Skavengers over the years.
Spyro - Sparx - Ignitus - Volteer - Terrador - Cyril - Cynder - Gaul - The Chronicler
Dragon Temple - Dreamscape - Ancient Grove - Grove Underground
Fellmuth Arena - Pirate Fleet - White Isle - Celestial Caves - Mountain of Malefor
Ape Soldiers - Ape Leaders - Ape Commanders - Toad Weeds - Bulb Spiders - Death Hounds - Dreadwings
Grove Worms - Grove Mites - Grove Beasts - Growths - Skavengers - Skurvywings
Blundertails - Fire Cannons - Armourdilloes - Stone Trolls - Fire Elementals
Elemental Crystal Brutes - Crystal Ball Spiders - Sabertooths (DS)

Assassin - Arborick - Ravage Rider - Executioner - Skabb - Elemental Spirits - Elemental Dragon - Gaul
Naga (GBA) - Red-Hand Jack (GBA) - Advisor (GBA) - Elemental Avatars (GBA)

Fire - Electricity - Ice - Earth - Aether
Dragons - Apes - Gems - Scriber's Quills - Dragon Relics - Dragon Challenges
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night Promotional Movies - Soundtrack - Cheat codes