Spyro Wiki
Spyro 1 - Glide

Spyro Gliding

Gliding is one of Spyro's abilities as a dragon throughout the Spyro series. Gliding allows Spyro to soar across gaps that are considered unreachable by jumping using his wings. This is usually performed after pressing the jump button again in mid-jump.

In Spyro the Dragon, the player can get a little extra height by pressing the Charge button. In Ripto's Rage! and Year of the Dragon, Spyro can hover in mid-glide by pressing the Triangle Button. This is used to get an extra boost of height at the end of your glide, or stop a glide immediately. In Spyro: A Hero's Tail, Spyro glides at the end of a double jump, but can not hover. Spyro can glide in all spin off games, except Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy, in which the glide is replaced with a double jump/flutter move, which is earned in the first world.

The Legend of Spyro series[]

Spyro retains his gliding ability in The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning and The Eternal Night. While the glide is still present in The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, the fact that Spyro can fly at anytime renders the ability unnecessary unless it's needed for Spyro and Cynder to land at certain points.

Console Games
Spyro the Dragon - Ripto's Rage!/Gateway To Glimmer - Year of the Dragon - Enter the Dragonfly
A Hero's Tail - Reignited Trilogy
Handheld Games
Season of Ice - Season of Flame - Attack of the Rhynocs - Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy - Shadow Legacy
The Legend of Spyro series
A New Beginning - The Eternal Night - Dawn of the Dragon - Cancelled 3D Movie
Skylanders series
Spyro's Adventure - Skylanders Academy (TV series)
Mobile Games
Spyro - Spyro: Ripto Quest - Spyro the Dragon
Skylanders: The Machine of Doom - Skylanders: Spyro versus The Mega Monsters
Skylanders: Gill Grunt and the Curse of the Fish Master - Skylanders: Lightning Rod Faces the Cyclops Queen
Skylanders: Cynder Confronts the Weather Wizard - Skylanders: Stump Smash Crosses the Bone Dragon
Skylanders: Trigger Happy Targets the Evil Kaos - Skylanders: Return of the Dragon King
Skylanders: Spyro & Friends