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Jurassic Jungle is a level that appears in the game Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly. It is a cross between a volcanic wasteland and a humid jungle. Many creatures live in the jungle while they stay away from the volcano. The Professors were working on Robotic Riptocs when they escaped their "inescapable" cages and started to wreck havoc, threatening to ruin their masters' work and research.

There's a hidden chest with a skull design on it, and it needs a key to open. Inside the chest is a Dragonfly.


  • Jean-Marc {blue} - Locked In A Chest
  • Mitch {yellow} - On The Lava
  • Jason {blue} - Recover Lab Pieces
  • Warren {blue} - Tower
  • Bonky {blue} - Thief Chase
  • Wonky {blue} - Attack Of The Caveman
  • Saji {blue} - Lava Slide
  • Doompa {green} - Inside The Temple
  • Scarlett {yellow} - Gem Statues
  • Rhett {blue} - Lightning Challenge


  • T-Rex 1000 - A robotic creature that shoots its target with a laser beam. Can only be killed with Electric Breath or Ice Breath.
  • R-1000 - Icy Riptocs with a stolen gadget that lets them walk on lava, constantly melting and reforming.
  • Cave Riptocs - Green caveman-like Riptocs with boulders.


  • Professor Copeland is a reference to Stewart Copeland, the music composer for the game.
  • Statues of Gnasty Gnorc are seen in this level, referencing the fact he was originally planned for the game.
  • There is a glitch in this level where, if the player makes the dialogue in the dialogue box too fast, then the game will get stuck and the game system will have to be restarted.
  • There is a cheat to go out of bounds. If the player walks toward an electric fence while being invincible and keep moving while being sent in the air, they will soon be high enough to glide over the fence.
  • One of the cheats in this level is to walk in mid air. To do that, Spyro will have to head bash the window that traps the dragonfly. It might not work every time.
  • The enemy A.I. dinosaurs who can only be killed with electric breath, when hit by Spyro, make similar sounds to the Sorceress when she is hit by Spyro in Spyro: Year of the Dragon.
  • The white salamander fodder in this level look similar to the ones in Skelos Badlands, Midnight Mountain, and Desert Ruins.
  • The level name might be a reference to the movie Jurassic Park.
    • Furthermore, this is actually further backed up by the explanation of how the robotic-Riptocs were made with genetic engineering.
      • The enemies in the level not only reference Jurassic Park but also the film Terminator 2.
  • If Spyro uses the wing shield attack against the enemies that throw rocks, it will be ineffective no matter what.
  • Some versions of this game have one dragonfly named Rhett, but the audio will say "Hey, it's Karen!". It is possible this dragonfly was originally named Karen before its name changed.
Main Characters
Spyro the Dragon - Sparx the Dragonfly - Hunter
Bianca - Spirit Dragon - Zoe
Crush - Gulp
Non-Playable Characters
Alligator Farmers - Bartholomew - Bears - Dragons - Dragonflies - Moneybags - Monkey Monks
Dragon Masters - Rodtikiney - Pigs - Professors - Thieves - Yetis
Dragon Realms
Dragonfly Dojo - Crop Circle Country - Luau Island - Cloud 9 - Monkey Monastery
Honey Marsh - Thieves Den - Jurassic Jungle - Ripto's Lair
Dragonflies - Gems - Cheat codes