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The Minidragons are small, dragon-like creatures in Spyro: Shadow Legacy that reside in the cages of the Aviary in the Mountain of Magic.


The Minidragons were created by the Wizards in honor of the Dragons, whom they think highly of. However, these creatures were meant to be a weapon against the Fairies, as the Wizards believed them to be evil. In their eagerness for their valued creations, they failed to see that the Minidragons were a threat to the magical balance the Dragons had long sought to maintain. At Longorin's request for the sake of the Fairies, Spyro released the Minidragons from their cages and they disappeared, saving the Fairies and the magical balance from a future threat.


  • In the Mountain of Magic, a book tells the ingredients on how to create a minidragon.
Main Characters
Spyro the Dragon - Sparx the Dragonfly - Hunter
Bianca - Blink - Tomas
Red - Ice Minion - Fire Minion
Non-Playable Characters
Adama - Akello - Amp - Aqua - Artigan - Astor - Bandit - Bears - Bonebuilders - Brigid - Bruno - Cho Lei - Conan
Dirt - Dragons - Ember - Fairies - Flame - Fonsworthy - Fransisco - Gronk
Isabel - Kaitlin - Kasi - Laird - Longorin - Lucia - Lumpy - Magnus - Marshall - Marvin - Maxwell - Merton - Midian - Moles - Moneybags
Mr. Funderlic - Mrs. Funderlic - Mrs. Moneybags - Neema - Old One Horn - Ooga - Pablo - Panthanitis - Pastemolle - Professor
Pullosin - Rabbits - Sensei - Sis - Skipper - Sofia - Teresa - Titan - Trina - Willard - Wizards - Zinc - Zoe
Dragon Kingdom
Dragon Shores - Dragon Dojo - Dragon Village - Mountain of Magic - Big Forest - Cliff Town
Savannah - Tree Tops - Skelos Badlands
Forgotten Worlds
Bunny Bayou - Moleville
Dragon Kata - Shadow Realm - Gems - Eggs - Magic - Shadowstone - Relics