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Moneybags' Miniporiums are shops in Spyro: Shadow Legacy that are run by Moneybags's sons, Maxwell, Marvin, Merton and Marshall. Each of them sell items, including Crystals, Butterflies, Mushrooms, key-chains and more.

Their mottos were Purveyors of Shimmering Crystals - They Never Wear Out!.


Maxwell Moneybags[]

Maxwell Moneybags's Miniporium was a mobile shop located just outside Bear Forest in the Dragon Realms.

Marshall Moneybags[]

Marshall Moneybags's Miniporium was a tent shop located on Dragon Shores in the Dragon Realms.

Marvin Moneybags[]

Marvin Moneybags's Miniporium was a mobile shop located in the crossroad between Tree Tops and Skelos Badlands in Avalar.

Merton Moneybags[]

Merton Moneybags's Miniporium was a mobile shop located just outside Moleville in the Forgotten Realms.

Main Characters
Spyro the Dragon - Sparx the Dragonfly - Hunter
Bianca - Blink - Tomas
Red - Ice Minion - Fire Minion
Non-Playable Characters
Adama - Akello - Amp - Aqua - Artigan - Astor - Bandit - Bears - Bonebuilders - Brigid - Bruno - Cho Lei - Conan
Dirt - Dragons - Ember - Fairies - Flame - Fonsworthy - Fransisco - Gronk
Isabel - Kaitlin - Kasi - Laird - Longorin - Lucia - Lumpy - Magnus - Marshall - Marvin - Maxwell - Merton - Midian - Moles - Moneybags
Mr. Funderlic - Mrs. Funderlic - Mrs. Moneybags - Neema - Old One Horn - Ooga - Pablo - Panthanitis - Pastemolle - Professor
Pullosin - Rabbits - Sensei - Sis - Skipper - Sofia - Teresa - Titan - Trina - Willard - Wizards - Zinc - Zoe
Dragon Kingdom
Dragon Shores - Dragon Dojo - Dragon Village - Mountain of Magic - Big Forest - Cliff Town
Savannah - Tree Tops - Skelos Badlands
Forgotten Worlds
Bunny Bayou - Moleville
Dragon Kata - Shadow Realm - Gems - Eggs - Magic - Shadowstone - Relics