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Spyro Wiki
This article is about the character from the Crash Bandicoot series. You may be looking for the character from the Legend of Spyro series.

Nina Cortex is the teenage bionic niece of Crash Bandicoot's main antagonist, Dr. Neo Cortex. She once had a kind and gentle nature and a deep love for animals, until her power hungry uncle gave her bionic steel trap hands that he calls "His Gift" so she could never hold another creature without harming them again. As for more punishment, he sent her to the Academy of Evil (a school that evil children attend) so she could learn his evil ways.


Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy[]

Nina was recruited by Doctor Cortex to kidnap Coco Bandicoot and the Professor. When Spyro and Crash Bandicoot arrived to save Coco and the Professor, Nina chased down Crash, only to soon be captured in a cage.

See also[]

Bandipedia page on Nina Cortex


  • Nina has been thought to be eviler than her uncle, Dr. Neo Cortex. Even Crash and Aku Aku think so.
Spyro the Dragon - Sparx - Bianca - Hunter
Blink - Professor - Moneybags - Agent 9 - Sgt. Byrd
Crash Bandicoot - Aku Aku - Coco Bandicoot - Crunch Bandicoot

Ripto - Doctor Neo Cortex
Gulp - Crush - Nina Cortex

Dragon Castles - Arctic Cliffs - Fire Mountains - Wumpa Jungle - Tech Park
Credits - Trading Cards - Riptocs - Gems