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Rhynocs n' Clocks is a realm that appeared in Spyro: Attack of the Rhynocs which can be accessed from the Professor's Secret Lab on the second visit. This realm connects to the final world of the game, Chateau Ripto and contains Sgt. Byrd Recuse Mission.


The world revolves around the themes of clocks and seemingly the main territory of the Rhynocs. In this area, they have melting clocks scattered across the landscape. However, the banana pods from Banana Savannah do make appearance in this level as method of transportation. Due to being near, Chateau Ripto, there's many statues plastered around the level which Spyro has to break in order to progress.


Item Sparx description
Banana Gro-Growth This white powder helps bananas ripen in half the time! We go it from a purple chest in the Rhynocs n' Clocks land. We gave this to the monkey worker in return for the Heart of the Banana Savannah.
Antennae Extensions Ooo! These fit my antennae perfectly and make them more sensitive! Nelson the dragon toddler gave it to us for rescuing him in the Rhynocs n' Clocks land. Nifty! These let me spot and snap gems from much further away!
The Order of Merit This is awarded to penguins in recognition of military achievement! Joe the monkey gave this to us for bashing all the Rhynocs in a cave in the Rhynocs n' Clocks land. We gave this to the penguin captain in return for the Heart of the Byrd Barracks.
Half of the Purple Chest Key This is one half of what appears to be some kind of chest key. I got this from Sgt. Byrd after helping him on a rescue operation in the Rhynocs n' Clocks land. We have both halves of this key, so we can open purple chests now!
Magic Blue Dust Whoa! This bag of colorful fun turns you blue, Spyro! It was inside a yellow chest in the Rhynocs n' Clocks land.
Magic Green Dust This stuff makes you green, Spyro! What's up with that? It was inside a yellow chest in the Rhynocs n' Clocks land.




  • The melting clocks are clear references to Salvador Dali's famous painting The Persistence of Memory.
  • It's one of the few realms in the game, in which its Heart of the Land isn't obtained via a quest given by an character. Also, it's the first heart that you acquire during your journey and not in the realm that it's named after. Instead, it's attained after defeating Ripto in Dragon Shores.
Main Characters
Spyro - Sparx - Ripto - Sgt. Byrd - Moneybags - Hunter - Bianca - Agent 9
Dragon Shores
Virtual Playground - Fairy Library - Yeti Serengeti - Byrd Barracks - Thieves' Guild - Rabbit Habitat
Banana Savannah - Kangaroo Hoodoos - Moneybags' Mansion - Cheetah Spot Spa - Professor's Secret Lab
Rhynocs n' Clocks - Chateau Ripto
Gems - Homeworld - Powerups - Dragon Breaths - Hearts of the Lands