Image character gallery of The Destroyer in The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon.
Concept art
Concept art of the Destroyer with Spyro and the Moles preparing to combat against it, by
Veronique MeignaudConcept art of the Destroyer's final design
The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
The Destroyer having awakened
The Destroyer being reanimated by Malefor's dark magic
The Destroyer, despite the loss of its lower half, manages to cross the Belt of Fire
DS Version
The Destroyer as depicted in the DS version of Dawn of the Dragon
The Destroyer making its way towards the City in the DS version of Dawn of the Dragon
The water from the Dam slows down the Destroyer's progress in the DS version of Dawn of the Dragon
The body of the Destroyer sinking into the water after its crystal heart is destroyed