The White Isle is an isolated island that lies somewhere in the ocean of the Dragon Realms in The Legend of Spyro series. It is the home of the Chronicler, who lives within the Celestial Caves.
The sea surrounding the isle glows a bright aqua color, and it is covered in white sand, ice, rocks and floating platforms. It is a testing ground for all the dragons who find it, though most of its entrance is in twisted and scattered ruins. It is also crawling with bones of dead creatures, and is guarded by various humanoid monsters. A massive temple is also built that houses the Celestial Caves, and it is a home for the Chronicler, who sits and records the past, present and bits of the future of every dragon. Though the sea on the outside appears normal, the pools inside the island bubble and contain various skeletons, indicating they may be acidic.
After passing out following Skabb's defeat, Spyro was taken to the White Isle by a "freaky little turtle monster," as Sparx called it, so that he can hide from the Apes. The purple dragon realized that this was the place they were looking for, and began exploring the Isle.